Saturday, December 29, 2007

"ambitious, transparent and flexible."

apt description for the Bali deliverables - love 'em. Hopefully we will see a break down in the 'strict separation between developed and developing countries' because the Pacific Islands are not among the high end of carbon emitting countries even if some of them are classed as 'developing' countries.


Post Bali - what will be the future impact of climatic changes on small islands?

Take the Pacific islands for instance - tiny isolated clusters dotted across the Pacific Ocean map of volcanic atolls, some as low-lying as a few meters above sea level at the highest spot.

Yet, they are home to several thousands of the world's most at-risk populations, men, women and children; never mind the diversity of their natural habitats. They have no high ground to run to. They're among the world's most vulnerable to cyclones and rising sea levels.

While the negotiators negotiate over the next 2 years, let's pray for a road map that will light up the path to dealing with our global dilemma. But prayer as my good mentor says is not enough - action clinches the deal. This blog is not just for ranting, on ClimateTalks we like to be proactive!
How do you think we should fight climate change?
Post your 2cents worth here!